Zostaw wiadomość
Oddzwonimy wkrótce!
Twoja wiadomość musi mieć od 20 do 3000 znaków!
Proszę sprawdzić email!
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Przesłano pomyślnie!
Oddzwonimy wkrótce!
Zostaw wiadomość
Oddzwonimy wkrótce!
Twoja wiadomość musi mieć od 20 do 3000 znaków!
Proszę sprawdzić email!
Dear customers:
The Chinese New Year is approaching, according to the notice of the General Office of the State Council, and in conjunction with the actual situation of the company, our company's Spring Festival holiday arrangements are as follows: January 21st to February 5th. During the holiday, order production and delivery will be suspended, please plan your order requirements in advance, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and we wish you a prosperous new year!